Determining the Value of your Lenci doll
This post is based on my responses to question I have received from readers. Estimating the value of your Lenci doll When asked about the value of a Lenci or similar doll I do not provide a valuation service. As … Continue reading
Ars Lenci Sportswear Sketch
Source: Museo Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas Museo Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas Inventario CE14518 Clasificación Genérica Dibujo Objeto/Documento Dibujo Autor Lenci (Lugar de nacimiento: Turín, act. 1918) Materia/Soporte Cartulina gris Técnica Dibujo a lápiz Aguada Dimensiones Altura = 32,70 … Continue reading
Dec 7, 1920 Lenci Dolls in Printemps Catalog
Dominique Pennegues drew my attention to this wonderful catalog page from Au Printemps showing the range of Lenci dolls offered from sale for Winter 1920/21. A notice on the cover of the Au Printemps toy catalog announces that the toys … Continue reading
Rare Lenci Josephine Baker Doll on Proxibid
Offered on “I Only Wanted to Wonder”, A Marquis Doll Auction Tuesday, Aug 1, 2017 | 11:00 AM Eastern Description: 18″ (46 cm.) Plumply-cheeked light brown wool felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, dark brown side-glancing painted … Continue reading
Lenci Nursery Decor
Nursery decor from the Lenci company early 1920’s Source: This is a rare illustration of a display of children’s room decor by the Lenci company of Turin. The dolls seen in the picture appear similar to those seen in the … Continue reading
Lenci “Sam” Sold at Auction for $19,000
The Candy Spelling Doll Auction results are online now and Lenci collectors will be interested in the closing prices,especially for the rarely seen Lenci characters. The highest price in the Lenci category went to the later model Lenci character Sam … Continue reading
Auction Results: The Candy Spelling Collection Lenci Dolls
Below are the auction results of the entire selection of Lenci auction results – the Lenci Sam black boudior doll fetched $19,000 and the Lenci Josephine Baker went for $11,000. Italian Glass-Eyed Googly, “Fobello”, by Lenci 1800/2500 Lot # 23 … Continue reading
Lenci Felt Wall Hangings
Reader Judy’s shares pictures of rare Lenci felt wall art
– Click Here for the Details in the blog
Candy & Aaron Spelling Collection Lenci Dolls up for Auction
– Click Here for the Details in our new blog
Rare Lenci Spanish Lady

Lenci Restoration: The Lenci Snake Charmer of 1925
Tips for Selling your Lenci Doll– June 2011
(Italiano)If you are considering selling your Lenci doll online here are some handy tips ….
read the article Buying Lenci Dolls at Auction – June 2011 (Italiano)If you are planning to buy a Lenci doll on eBay it helps to familiarize yourself with the going rates for the type of doll you are interested in buying or selling…
read the article Online Resource for Old Lenci Catalogs and Archive Pictures. You can browse some rare Lenci catalog pages and documents from the old Lenci factory Click here to view old Lenci catalog pages and photos at, the pages are in italian, but the pictures are great, click on the word “Vedi” next to each picture to see the full size view.Video : Lenci’s Turin – La Torino di Lenci by Pier Luigi Bassignana e Elena Romagnolo
A video from in italian about the Lenci factory in Turin during the 1920’s-30’s. Since its foundation in 1919 by Elena and her husband Enrico Konig Scavini, until the sale in 1937, the story of a company and its place in art and industry. Rare footage and pictures.
Watch the video (video, 9:57:00 duration)
La Torino di Lenciideato da Pier Luigi Bassignana e Elena Romagnolo.
Il percorso racconta l’avventura della fabbrica Lenci nella Torino industriale degli anni Venti e Trenta del Nocento. Dalla fondazione nel 1919 ad opera di Elena Konig e del marito Enrico Scavini, fino alla cessione nel 1937, la storia di un’azienda e della sua produzione tra arte e industria.
Per consultare il percorso:
Narrazione multimediale (Video, durata 9:57:00)
Watch More Archival Videos at:
Lenci Balilla from 1940’s Italy
Mike sent in this picture of this rare Balilla model Lenci boy that has been in his family for 3 generations. Says Mike “The only thing that I know about it was that my great uncle came back from Italy after WW2 and gave the doll to my dad when he was probably two or three. I had read where that factory was bombed during the war , but I can not be sure of that. That’s all we really know about it.”Mike’s lenci doll is interesting for its direct provenance to the 1940s when his great uncle acquired it in Italy. The Lenci factory had indeed been bombed during the war. Fortunately the precious molds for pressing the felt faces were preserved however the technique of creating the famous Lenci doll faces was fading. After the war things had changed and the technique of molding the faces was all but lost.
Now after the war a new generation of workers producing the famous Lenci dolls depended upon the remaining pre war stock of pre pressed molded blank faces that remained unused since before the war – until stocks ran out. Lenci Collectors will notice a slight change in the painting style of the faces that can be seen in the post-war Lenci dolls.The Lenci Balilla above dates to Facist era of pre war Italy so it was very likely made before WW2. The first Lenci Balilla doll appeared in the 1929 catalog as a 300 series doll. This small 10.5 inch model Balila dates to the 1933 catalog when it was recorded a series 70.For more about the Lenci Balilla see this article on The Lenci Balilla
Credit: Fabio Venturoli of Antichità Barberia : original Ars Lenci Childs coat
Video: Interviste a Giovanna Demeglio (antiquaria e restauratrice di bambole) e Ivana Calvetto (modellista della Lenci).Per l’evento del 07/03 2010 nell’ambito della rassegna Le Domeniche dell’Ecomuseo, dedicato alle bambole Lenci.
A Reader’s Story: Early Lenci Spanish Lady and Pierrot Rare early Lenci character dolls.
.Stefanie writes….”for a long time I shared this great homepage and learned a lot from your informative articles and the photos of the Lenci gallery.
Now I want to write this letter about two dolls of mine, and I hope it is a little interesting for you too.
I’m a doll collector , especially a Lenci doll collector, but I’m a German (that’ the reason for my terrible English,too) and Germany isn’t a Lenci-land.
It is very difficult to get a Lenci at all.Because of this I was really surprised by an announcement of a Lady, who wanted to sell” two old Lencis “.I was very doubtful, but on the other hand nosy,so I decided to take a look at them.
….Read the article >> Is this Mussolini’s Lenci Doll?
A Lenci doll with a unique history.
Edward Petersen from State College, PA shares his story of a very unique Lenci doll.“The doll was sent to my wife by her Uncle when she was a small child during the Second World War.
The doll was found in a villa that belonged to Mussolini during the Second World War. It is 24 inches tall and is dressed as an Italian peasant girl. ”
“The doll has all the original face paint and is in fine condition.
She has on a two piece dress brocade dress with flower print.
The dress is partially lined and she has multiple layers of undergarments.
She is wearing a black felt apron over the dress and she has stocking which are probably knit cotton. Her hair feels like it is real and is brown or auburn in color and is put up in a bun. The doll has leather shoes. I have been told that the doll is a Lenci doll dating around the mid 1930’s and that the name of the doll is probably GHERDA…
“There is documentation that indicates the doll was recovered from Benito Mussolini’s villa or castle near Gargnano Italy in May of 1945 by my wife’s Uncle, a member of Company “K” of the 85th Mountain Infantry Regiment. This coincides with military history that Company “K” of the 85th Mountain Infantry seized a Mussolini’s villa in that area and on April 30, 1945 its Headquarters and members of company K were housed in that villa until the end of the war. That villa the was the Villa Feltrinelli which was Mussolini family residence for the last two years of the Second World War.”Credit: Article photos and text © Edward Petersen, email: iasilverdale @
Mysterious “Indian” Lenci
A brief
history of an unusual discoveryImagine an ancient and important building of a city in
northern Italy. In the attic of this building there is a chest covered with
One day, a few years ago, this trunk was found and opened after so many
years … Between the old toys in the trunk peeps an unusual puppet depicting
an Indian, put there and forgotten for nearly a century ago by a child, who was
too big to play with.But not everything is taken for granted for this Indian: soon
would left for a new city, welcomed by a new family that, had never seen
anything like it, would be very curious about its origin.So, that a few days after the discovery of the trunk, came to
our house the “mysterious Indian”, as soon nicknamed him for his difficult
identification.However, I have always believed that Lenci dolls be
recognized first of all for something that they have in the eyes and then,
later, for all the features described in the books. And the look of this Indian
is really unusual, but at the same time attractive enough to remember some
characteristic figures of the company Lenci in the first period.His face seems carved in stone, but his bright eyes and
sharp, as if they would pierce the eyes of his interlocutor. The large mouth
has a lower lip slightly pink than the upper lip and is portrayed in a mocking
smile.Are not common even his height: is 49 cm high (19 in) and body fat but at the same time imposing, with a black sun painted on his chest.
Her hair are raven blacks and gathered in two long braids, has earrings and a
necklace made with glass beads. The hands, according to the first tradition of
the production Lenci, are all united in the blade.According to some publications, the Lenci company had manufactured
in the ’20s, than the early dolls also very rudimentary, figures such as cowboy
ethnic, oriental and even among these Native Americans, as we see from the
photo catalog of the Firm in 1923 (with number 105), inspired by fashion of the
time and from the period lived from Madame Lenci in a international circus
Lenci Catalog of 1923The picture of the old catalog shows an Indian with bow and
arrows and a colorful headgear, but the endless stories that he lived justify today
the absence of these, and finally a well deserved rest in our living room.Clizia Turchi
Reference:Lenci Dolls by Dorothy
S.Coleman Hobby House Press 1977Lenci The History and the Dolls
by Nancy Lazenby – Reverie Publishing Company 2007The Native Americian “Indian” doll comes from a private collection Photos:
© Clizia Turchi All rights reserved Lenci Auctions
A Rare Lenci Baby of 1924A member recently posted a question in the identification section asking the common question “Is my doll a Lenci?” It turns out to be a rare early Lenci Anili baby model 164 A.
…Read the story and see more pictures including rare catalog pictures.
Rosita SiccardiWe are saddened by the loss of esteemed doll expert & friend Dr. Rosita Siccardi on Dec 21. 2009 Rosita has always been a great help to doll collectors, always ready to share her unique knowledge and expertise on antique dolls especially Lenci dolls. Her passing is a great loss to the doll collecting world.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Domenico and family.
Siamo addolorati per la perdita di esperti bambola e amico stimato >Dr. Rosita Siccardi il 21 Dicembre 2009. Rosita è sempre stato un grande aiuto per i collezionisti bambola, sempre pronta a condividere la sua conoscenza e competenza sulle bambole antiche soprattutto bambole Lenci. La sua scomparsa è una grande perdita per i raccoglitori di bambole.
I nostri pensieri e preghiere sono con il marito Domenico e famiglia
Two Early Lenci Dolls (Italiano: Due antiche bambole Lenci)
Author: Clizia Turchi
The story of two old dolls manufactured by the Lenci company nearly 100 years ago.…Read Article
Italiano: Due antiche bambole Lenci
Door from the Lenci Company in Turin
Edith gets ready for her big adventure!Production photos of R. John Wright’s Edith, The Lonely Doll® as she gets ready to depart on the big journey to her new homes.
…Click here to see the pictures
Shipping from Apr 7th 2008
Seen on eBay
A preparatory sketch for a Lenci ceramic piece “La Moglie del Soldato” ( the soldiers wife), by Elena Scavini, ref “Le ceramiche di Lenci” di Alfonso Panzetta pag. 221 “Lenci ceramiche da collezione”, Luciano Proverbio pag. 272
Old article “La fucina della gioa infantile. Una visita alla fabbrica delle bambole Lenci.”Old article in Italian from the publication Patria, describing a visit to the Lenci factory with pictures of the dolls and the Lenci shop. The dolls shown in the pictures are from the the 1926 catalog so this article probably dates to 1926; Patria.
C.F.A. “La fucina della gioa infantile. Una visita alla fabbrica delle bambole

Click here to view >>Search page may be accessed at:
Enter the word “Lenci” ( or “Patria” to see
other old pages in Italian )
The original Lenci PatentThe original Lenci 1921 patent in the US patent archives
– the link takes you to the search results page for Patent No. 1,389,905, Issue Date September 6, 1921, filed by E Scavini in 1919.
On results page, click on the “Images” button to see the images of the original patent application filed by Enrico Scavini, the husband of Elena Scavini known as “Madame Lenci”, the creator of the Lenci dolls.
Detail: An original B/W picture of Madame Lenci from the book Lenci Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, colorized by Patricia.
…Click here to access the patent page >>
Lenci Characters : The Circus
The Destiny of “Una bambola e altre creazioni”A Brief Lenci History by Rosita Siccardi
(Italiano: Destino di “Una bambola e altre creazioni”)Sept 16th 2007
Feature Interview: R. John Wright talks about his latest creation, Edith, The Lonely Doll®
The genius of R. John Wright, in homage to Lenci tradition, brings us a fitting tribute to the legacy of Dare Wright for this, the 50th anniversary year of the publication of The Lonely Doll ®. the interview Sept 15th 2007NEWS FLASH:The wait is over !
R. John Wright’s latest creation Edith, The Lonely Doll ® is unveiled in magnificent detail on the official web site at :, 2007Edith inspired Knitting Pattern for 22″ Lenci dollMore details…Aug, 2007
Photoshop, Forensics and Fairytales
Historical Context: Part 1, The Lenci Balilla
Jul 1, 2007
Lenci: The History and the Dolls
is now shipping
Nancy’s fabulous book Lenci: The History and the Dolls arrived in the mail yesterday. Once I opened it I couldn’t put it down till the last page. Our congratulations to Nancy on her accomplishment! It is a major milestone for doll collectors.
This is everything Nancy promised in her recent interview and more! The research into early company history is fascinating, with never before seen early photos, the young Elena Scavini (Madame Lenci) looking every bit as pretty as a boudoir doll herself. Gorgeous photos, such fine examples ! – dolls I had only seen in catalogs and had been wondering about for ages, a definitive guide for Lenci collectors – a book to treasure!! – Patricia Hayes
June 2007
‘ZIZI’by HELEN KÖNIG SCAVINI. polychrome pottery with
black enamel marks Lenci MADE IN ITALY TORINO,
15in. (38cm.) high
Read more about Lenci ceramics …here.
May 2007
Lenci Portraits: Louise Brooks
April 2007
Lenci Portraits: Mistinguett
Lenci Ceramics
Auction Report: François Theimer Auctions, 3-24-07
Mar 2007
Celebrity Favorites: Josephine Baker
Feb 2007
Reader’s Story: A Rare Find
Reader Sharon shares the story of her rare Lenci Cupid dolls.
Jan 16, 2007
Special Feature: Nancy Lazenby Interview
Nancy talks about her forthcoming book on Lenci Dolls.
Jan 1, 2007
Lenci Characters: Commedia Dell’ Arte
Dec 2006
Reader’s Story: A Beautiful Lady Returns Home, by Mike Jordan
Special Feature: R. John Wright Interview
Restoring a Lenci doll requires a mixture of art and science and a level of skill and patience beyond the ordinary, Diane Mardis recently completed a restoration project that would be daunting to even the most experienced doll restorer. … read the article |
Le lenci della collezione di Grazia Caiani 1919 – 1940 In programma dal 13 dicembre 2007 fino al 15 febbraio 2008 alla Sala Santa Rita di Roma la mostra “Nei panni di una bambola”, una selezione di circa 60 esemplari di bambole riunite sotto il marchio Lenci – provenienti da una più ampia collezione privata che raccoglie oltre 200 pezzi dal 1874 agli anni Sessanta.